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FormDocs is simple to use and, for most organizations, formal training is not required. However, if your organization uses FormDocs for mission-critical applications, formal training can be the most efficient way of getting large numbers of your users up to speed. Whether you want to improve your organization's use of electronic forms or get a head start on integration projects, FormDocs on-site training and resources can help you achieve your goals. Our courses feature hands-on tasks and real-world scenarios - in just a matter of days, your users will be more productive and ready to embrace new forms technology. Our instructors are experts in electronic forms design, forms automation, and human factors so you can be assured that your attendees will receive all of the time-proven information they need in order to maximize your investment in FormDocs.
FormDocs Designer - two days
A course for Admins and form designers: Learn how to optimally design form templates using all of the advanced features and integration potential FormDocs offers.
FormDocs Filler - one day
A course for end-users; learn how to optimally fill-in and work with forms, including digital signing, attaching files, Forms Database operations, importing & exporting, using Auto Fills, and forms routing.
FormDocs SDK - two days
A course for programmers: learn about the FormDocs object model and how to automate FormDocs from applications you write.
Maximum class size: 30 students
Cost is determined by course type and geographic location. Contact us for on-site requirements and pricing.