Print-to-FormDocs Driver - Virtual Printer for Document Conversion to FormDocs

Note that you do NOT need this driver to convert paper documents, PDF documents, or saved images of documents (TIF, BMP, JPG, etc.); FormDocs provides built-in converters for those formats.

Install this driver ONLY if you want to convert Word, Omniform, etc. (i.e. any documents not described above) AND you have the source application installed and running on your PC. For example, if you want to convert a Word or Omniform file, install FormDocs SCAN & FILL Designer AND this driver on the same PC where you have Word or Omniform installed and running.

You must have FormDocs SCAN & FILL Designer installed in order to use this driver.

Option 1: Download the Print To FormDocs driver complete install package (3 MB).

  1. Start the download by clicking here.
  2. Click Run to launch the FormDocs setup wizard.
  3. If Windows prompts you with the User Account Control alert, you can safely ignore the warning and select Yes or Continue.
  4. Follow the remaining steps of the setup wizard to complete the installation.

Option 2: Download Print To FormDocs driver Zipped install package (3 MB). Choose this only if you are unable to download executable files.

  1. Start the download by clicking here.
  2. If Windows prompts you with the User Account Control alert, you can safely ignore the warning and select Yes or Continue.
  3. Press Save As and select a familiar location in which to save the file, such as your Desktop or downloads folder.
  4. After the download completes, switch to the selected location and double-click the zipped file to extract the install files.
  5. Start Setup.exe to launch the FormDocs setup wizard.
  6. Follow the remaining steps of the setup wizard to complete the installation.


  • On a standalone PC, you must have Windows administrative privileges in order to install the driver.
  • On a standalone PC, your security software may interfere with installing the driver. Temporarily terminate your security software, or seek assistance from your IT staff.
  • On a PC that is connected to a domain controller there may be a policy that prohibits you from installing a driver. Temporarily disconnect from the domain controller, or seek assistance from your IT staff.

Instructions to Un-Install the Print To FormDocs driver:

  1. Start 'Control Panel/Add Remove Programs'.
  2. In the list of applications, select the entry for 'Print To FormDocs' and click 'Un-install'.